Water suction kit
The high pressure washer water suction kit is an essential accessory for aspirating water from tanks, ponds and pools, taking advantage of the high pressure washer’s operation. Besides the most common cleaning operations, this machine can also help you with various jobs that would be difficult to complete quickly without the appropriate equipment. The suction kit is a tool that was specifically designed to quickly remove large quantities of water through the power generated by the high pressure washer. This accessory is made up of two elements: a 150 cm long water suction hose and a lance extension. To install it, just attach the suction hose to the lance extension which must then be connected to the trigger gun of the high pressure washer. The initial part of the hose is immersed in the water, while the aspirated liquid will come out of the opposite end of the hose. To proceed with the operation, connect the high pressure washer to the electrical mains and to the water supply, just as you would for common cleaning operations. The water will begin being aspirated as soon as the trigger gun is pressed: the function of the high pressure washer water suction kit allows the work to be completed quickly and effortlessly.
The kit uses the so-called “Venturi effect“, named after the physicist who first formulated this action. According to this phenomenon, based on the ratio of water pressure and speed, the more water that enters the system, the greater the amount of water recovered: for this reason, it is also called the hydrodynamic paradox.
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